The Best Surf Stickers for Your Surfboard

Everyone wants to be unique and stand out from the crowd. This, however, is a tricky task in the surf world with so many surfboards, wetsuits, hairstyles, and apparel looking the same.

Surfboard stickers are an amazing way to spice up your surfboard without breaking the bank.

Whether you use a custom-designed sticker or one of your favorite surf brand logos, surf decals will help bring something different and unique to your surf look.

Stickers can say a lot about who we are and what we love, so if you want to share a little about yourself without using words, the following surf stickers may be perfect for you.

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The Best Surf Stickers for Your Surfboard


Our Pick
Roxy Sticker by someawe80
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Nothing speaks of the women’s surf community as Roxy does. 

Being the only female exclusive extreme sports brand, using a Roxy sticker on your surfboard will help show support to female surfers around the globe, as well as add some flare to your board.

Hang Loose

When we think of a universal surf sign, nothing other than someone throwing up a “hang loose” sign comes to mind.

Also known as the Shaka, hang loose has become a popular surf signal thanks to its origins within the surfing communities of Hawaii and New Zealand.

This sign has the meaning of “peace”, “love”, “take care”, and “hello”.

Without a doubt, there should be no surfboard sticker collection without a Shaka sign.

Respect the Locals

Respect the Locals Sticker by 2monthsoff
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We all know how finicky locals can be with their waves, however, we all know that the true locals are the sharks.

A “respect the locals” is an amazing pun that will give any surfer a good chuckle.

When in Doubt, Paddle Out

If in doubt paddle out Sticker by bravos
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As for common surf sayings “when in doubt, paddle out” must be one of the most popular.

Generally, this phrase refers to the feeling of not wanting to surf, whether you want to get in the water or not.

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In short, if you are even slightly considering going for a surf, then stick on your wetsuit and paddle out to the backline.


Quiksilver sticker by Useless-Madala
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No matter how extensive your surfboard sticker collection becomes, no set is complete until you fill it with a few of the world’s most popular surf brand logo stickers.

Quiksilver is without a doubt one of the most popular names in surfing, so much so that countless non-surfers (many of whom have never even seen the ocean) are well aware of the name and its branding.

Although a Quicksilver sticker might be a little cliche, there is a good reason that so many surfers are happy to advertise their brand.


Being unique in a world of 35 million surfers can be tricky, but thanks to high-quality surfboard stickers, it is slightly easier to give our surf gear a bit of our own personality.

All you need to do is find yourself a few high quality, vinyl stickers that are waterproof (or at the least, water-resistant), ensure that you know how to correctly apply stickers to your surfboard, apply them, and then head to the beach to show off your new decals.

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